
Pablo Neruda

De Chileense dichter Pablo Neruda (voor ons hiervoor nog onbekend). Hij woonde in Valparaiso, een geweldige kunstenaars/havenplaats in Chili en doet qua persoon denken aan figuren als Dali of Picasso.

The wave you let loose,
arc of identity,
exploded feather,
when it was unleashed it was only foam,
and without being wasted came back to be born.

The Great Ocean, Pablo Neruda.

De zee was een grote inspiratiebron voor Neruda.

Ode to the sea
O sea, this is your name,
O comrade ocean:
don't waste time or water
getting so upset:
help us instead.
We're meager
men from the shore.

We're hungry and cold
and you're our foe.
Don't beat so hard,
don't shout so loud:
open your green coffers,
place gifts of silver in our hands;
give us this day our daily fish.
Pablo Neruda