
Beautiful ways to enjoy summer!

Slumber in the Sweet Afternoon

There is something so sublime about finding a cool, shady place to lay down in innocent repose during the heat of the day. The freedom to close heavy eyes and allow all thought to fade behind the dappled veil of shadow light, is pure bliss.

Napping is not only pleasurable, but in the season of summer is also good for ones health, according to ancient Ayurvedic wisdom.

Napping for the heart improves alertness, clarity and creativity, and allows for processing of experiences and relieves stress.

Sleep is the golden chain
that ties health and our bodies together.

Thomas Dekker

A backyard picnic

Among the delights of Summer
were picnics to the woods.

Georg Brandes

Eating out doors is a lovely warm weather experience. Everything always taste so delicious, the colours seem more vivid, the flavors so rich and refreshing, and the fragrance elicits memories, old and new.

Whether eating alone or with others there are health benefits gifted with this exquisite pleasure. Soaking up a little sunshine daily assists in the absorption of Vitamin D and wards off depression. Don't you agree, there is something so peaceful about eating outdoors? Watching the clouds float by while partaking of nourishment reduces stress and nurtures mind, body and soul.

"Eating is not merely a material pleasure.
Eating well gives a spectacular joy to life
and contributes immensely to goodwill
and happy companionship.

It is of great importance to the morale."

Elsa Schiaparelli,
Italian designer 1890-1973

Read a Book

I'm concentrating on staying healthy,
having peace, being happy,
remembering what is important,
taking in nature and animals,
spending time reading,
trying to understand the Universe,
where science and the spiritual meet.

Joan Jett

Reading is a great gift.
It offers free travel to mystical places<
and to secret gardens of delight.

Reading not only educates, inspires
and expands the imagination,
it also improves the vocabulary.

The books that help you most
are those which make you think the most.
The hardest way of learning is that of easy reading;
but a great book that comes
from a great thinker is a ship of thought,
deep freighted with truth and beauty.

Pablo Neruda


When I'm walking around the beach
or when I'm swimming in the sea.
I feel free.